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The Johnny Depp Zone's Reflections Archive is intended for mature readers. We reprint articles as published, so most contain profanity and/or adult subject matter.

Readers, be ye warned.

~ Part-Time Poet



Part-Time Poet

Reflections Archive

Welcome to the Johnny Depp Zone Reflections Archive.

The Johnny Depp Zone’s Reflections Archive contains brief comments made about Johnny Depp in the media over the past twenty years.  Most of these reflections come from Johnny’s friends and colleagues, but some are from celebrities with no known connection to Johnny Depp; they simply find him fascinating . . . as we all do.

The Reflections Archive is Sleepy’s brainchild; she has been collecting quotes about Johnny ever since she began the Zone . . . well, actually, even before she began the Zone.  Many thanks to Sleepy for this charming addition to the site, and to Theresa for her design. 

Quotes are arranged alphabetically by the speaker’s last name.  Like every part of the JDZ Archives, Reflections is a work-in-progress—as long as people keep talking about Johnny Depp, we’ll keep adding quotes!

Part-Time Poet
Johnny Depp Zone Webmaster